Workshops & Projects

WORKSHOPS OPTIONS as of 2020 (Content can also be presented as an engaging Key Note address)

Building Positive Relationships for Learning

In this workshop we look at how to implement strategies to build positive relationships with students, set clear and solution-based boundaries and deal effectively with conflict when it arises. Includes practical strategies to support and encourage positive behaviors with ideas to try out immediately to build a positive learning space and understand and address challenging behaviors.

Advanced teacher/trainer facilitation

Great teaching evolves constantly, enlivened by interactions between old and new ingredients, enriched by student feedback about what makes learning happen. Knowing about effective teaching practice is part of the recipe. The greater challenge is putting that knowledge into practice so what we do as teachers engages learners and boosts learning outcomes. This workshop invites you to reflect on your practice, to test familiar teaching habits, to consider benefits for your students of new teaching strategies. The workshop actively and collaboratively supports professional reflection about practice, student engagement and clearly conveying learning intentions to our students.

Successful ways to engage and support disadvantaged youth

Disadvantaged VET students complete VET qualifications less often than non-disadvantaged students (NCVER, 2016, The impact of disadvantage on VET completion and employment gaps). Non-completion compounds disadvantage because skilled jobs are harder to get with a qualification – and unskilled positions are disappearing fast.In this collaborative workshop we examine effective options teachers and providers can deploy to engage disadvantaged young VET learners and support them through to the end of their qualifications. The workshop emphasises the positive – what we can do, drawing on our own resources and the strengths of our students.

The impact of trauma on learning

Practical classroom strategies for assisting learners to cope and to maximise their learning. Topics covered include:

  • A definition of Trauma
  • How trauma affects the brain
  • The clinical presentation of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders ( PTSD)
  • Factors that contribute to escalation.
  • Strategies to create a safe and calm classroom.
  • Strategies for diffusion, re-direction and support.

Creating a Dyslexic Friendly Classroom. Understanding and Addressing Specific learning Disorders

Up to 20 % of the population are impacted by Specific Learning Disorders such as Dyslexia and Auditory processing disorders. Although not currently researched, the number of students accessing VET programs in particular would appear to be much higher as students access alternative methods of learning that are more hands on. This workshop aims to provide attendees with an understanding of how SLDs such as Dyslexia present, how to identify a student who learns differently, as well as insights into some of the day-to-day learning challenges these students face in the classroom. It will also provide practical, easy-to-implement strategies that will progress student learning – without funding – that will make your classroom accessible to all your students, especially accommodating students who need to learn differently.

Engaging students with low level English skills

Advice on improving students’ literacy can be overwhelming. Students with low level skills can be limited in confidence, skills and abilities to practically engage in the classroom. In this practical workshop we will explore ways of developing literacy skills and engaging learners. This workshop’s practical approach makes literacy know-how accessible and usable for teachers. We will draw on your experiences as a valuable literacy education resource plus share strategies that will progress students for successful outcomes.

Sharing Classrooms - Observation and Feedback Strategies for Teachers and Trainers

  • Providing effective feedback for staff that gets positive results.

  • Classroom observations, coaching conversations and respectful feedback for teachers.

  • Learning with and from each other to achieve greater outcomes.

  • Protocols, strategies and case studies that work!

  • Developing a sustainable and embedded approach.

Difficult Conversations.


Strategies for dealing with difficult conversations and situations, whether it be parents, work colleagues or students.

Suitable for all staff.

The New Educator

  • Understand what learning looks like for the 21st century.
  • Making links for leadership in learning.
  • Moving your team into a new space.
  • Addressing the challenges of ‘fossilized’ teachers.
  • Creating a positive and strong learning culture.How to go about school staff cultural change.
  • Engaging staff in contemporary teaching pedagogy and practice to achieve sustainable growth

Collaborative Learning

  • Understand what collaborative learning is.
  • Be able to make links between these strategies and your teaching.
  • Using new learning spaces effectively.To leave you with a range of strategies and resources

Group Dynamics in Leadership

  • Understanding your team.
  • Getting the most out of people strengths and working with challenges.
  • Unpacking the ways people work with each other.
  • Building a positive culture for leadership and the whole of school.
  • Identifying areas for growth.
  • Working for positive outcomes to achieve great results.

Developing Positive Partnerships

– Coaching skills and approaches to grow staff and teams.

  • To empower leaders, giving them the skills to mentor and coach individual teachers and teams.

  • To grow teaching practice over a period of time, providing coaching, mentoring and follow-up as needed

  • To link with existing curriculum coaches and/or senior leaders in schools and support the AITSL standards and National School Improvement Program.

  • To distinguish contemporary learning and its importance within a modern learning environment

  • To provide you with a range of tools you can use immediately to begin the process of coaching and mentoring teachers

  • To support you to design action-research projects that you will enact when you return to school

Creating Collaborative Cultures

  • Building trust

  • Ways to develop Community Conversations for all staff to gather feedback and create community.

  • Strategies and approaches to use in staff meetings that engender respect and collaboration.

  • Practical strategies to use in class room settings.

All workshops can be either a 2-hour workshop or full day, interactive workshop with application of strategies. All workshops will be tailored specific to your organisation’s needs. Handouts and additional references provided.


Instructional Coaches and Principals from the West Ada School District

Meridian, Idaho, USA

April , 2016